Heisei lives in Japan, known as Binh Thanh period starting on 8 month 1 year 1989 , a day after the Emperor Chieu Hoa ice, is marked by events Akihito sign celestial body royal throne No. 125. This period also marked the end The cold war was therefore called the Japanese period after the Cold War . According to Japanese custom, the title "Emperor Chieu Hoa" was placed on January 31, similar to previous emperors like Mutsuhito ( Emperor Meiji ) and Yoshihito (Thien Hoang Dai Chinh ).
1989 corresponds to the 64th year of Chiêu Hòa until the 7th day of the first month (January 7) and the first year of the Bình Thành. Since the 8th day. January 2019 is the 31st year of Binh Thanh. To quickly calculate the current year by year Binh Thanh has rules:
1989 = First Binh Thanh -> 2000 = Binh Thanh 12th -> Year 2010 = Binh Thanh 22nd.
2019 = Binh Thanh 31st.
For example in 2009 = Binh Thanh 21st and often abbreviated as H21.
The year of Binh Thanh may end on April 30, 2019 (Binh Thanh 31st), the day when Emperor Akihito is expected to abdicate.
There is no schedule or ticket right now.
日本、〒511-0068 三重県桑名市中央町3丁目20 Map
日本、〒900-0013 沖縄県那覇市牧志3丁目6−10 Map
日本、〒125-0061 東京都葛飾区亀有3丁目26−1 Map
日本、〒100-0006 東京都千代田区有楽町1丁目11−1 読売会館7F Map