Kitada Noriko began studying the piano from the age of 5. After graduating from Toho Gakuen University, she went to study abroad. After completing the diploma program at the Berlin University of Fine Arts, Germany, she went to Austria to offer a master class course at Munich Music and Drama University. She completed the solo concert with the best result at the graduate school of Salzburg-Mozarteum University and completed with the postgraduate course of the same school.
In addition to participating in numerous European master classes, she also appeared at all student concerts competition. She won first prize at Don Wincenzo Vitti International Music Competition, Italy, Gianluca, No.1 at Campotialo International Music Competition, and other several international competitions.
So far he studied solo with Toku Maru Satoko, Wada Keiyo, Jacques Rougier, Michael Schafer, Rolfe Prague, Felix Gottlieb, Chamber Music with Rolfe Prague, Tünde Kurushu, Alois Brandhofer.
She returned to Japan in 2015, and started music activities by herself. Now she is a member of Steenhammal Friendship Association.
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