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Pavo Jarvi

Pavo Jarvi (Paavo Järvi, December 30, 1962 -) is a conductor from Estonia. Currently it is a United States nationality.
He has a conductor Neem Jarvi as his father and was named after Finnish conductor Pervor Berglund. Brother Christian is also a conductor, sister Maria is a flute player. Like his father, he learned from the music school of Tallinn 's fabric and went to the USA. After studying conducting at the Curtis Conservatory, he received the tenance of Leonard Bernstein at the Los Angeles Philharmonic Music School. In addition, he also studied with Ormandy, Dorati, Shorty, Marta, Batis and others.

In 2001 he became the 12th Chief Conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. Since the first visit to Japan in 1995, there are also many performances in Japan. In 2006, he performed a Japanese performance with German Kammer Philharmonic Bremen, and made a successful topic of Beethoven 's symphony orchestra performances.

He has guested in major orchestras around the world such as the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the New York Philharmonic and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

In 2006 he became the music director of the hr symphony orchestra, in 2010 the Paris Orchestra. Currently he is one of the busiest conductors in the world. In addition to recording all songs of Beethoven Symphony and the German Kamar Phil during 2006-2009, Bruckner's symphony recording project is in progress with the hr symphony orchestra.

In addition to Nordic composers such as Grieg, Sibelius, Steenhammar, Pavo Jarvi is good at Debussy. Regardless of which repertoire's performance / recording, he reveals the difference with his father Neem by making polite music creation and a gentle expression, delicate expressions rich in nuances, singing like a natural breathing, and so on. In contrast to fathers who tend to stand out brass instruments and tend to run "bombardment", they tend to emphasize the moody tone of stringed instruments and the mellow sound of woodwind instruments.

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