Mamiko Amemiya is a Japanese violin .She was born in Tokyo on January 22, 1985. She begin the violin at the age of 3. After graduating from the Music College of the same university after studying music course at Toho Girls High School Music College. She began supporting activities knowing the pleasures of Live more than she is in college. It is acting as a strings arrange and live support Violinist at various sites regardless of genres regardless of classics as POPS and ROCK.
Also do performances, coordinate quartet not only for TV recording, but also for strings orchestra.
There is no schedule or ticket right now.
日本、〒556-0017 大阪府大阪市浪速区湊町1丁目3−1 湊町リバープレイス Map
日本、〒152-0023 東京都目黒区八雲1丁目1−1 Map