Siril Malmedal Hauge & Jacob Young concert

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Siril Malmedal Hauge

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Siril Malmedal Hauge (born 1992 in Langevåg) is a Norwegian jazz singer and songwriter residing in Oslo, Norway.

Siril Malmedal Hauge is a vocalist educated on the jazz program at Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. In addition to heading projects like «Fieldfare» and «Wild Things Run Fast», she has collaborated with bands and musicians like Lars Jansson, Jesper Bodilson, Anders Thorén, Jacob Young, Magnus Bakken, Henrik Lødøen, Alf Hulbækmo, Ytre Suløens Jazz Ensemble, MMO-ensemble, Martin Myhre Olsen the vocal ensemble Sonavi, and the Prøysen-project «Lillebror» (Little Brother) releasing their deput album on the Grappa label. In 2010 she received the Norwegian Cultural Education Council «Drømmestipendet (Dream scholarship)» and in 2011 Cultural grants from Sula Municipality. She has also played and toured in Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Estonia and Serbia.

In 2016 she released the album Jeg Går og Drømmer along with the pianist Alf Hulbækmo at Atlethic Sound Records. And releases the album Fieldfare in February 2017 on the label Øra Fonogram. She also contributes to the project Nordic Circles, releasing the album Under The Clouds (2017) on AMP music & records.

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