Christmas Organ Concert

Classic music Musical show

Vitali Yushumanov (baritone)

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Vitali Yushumanov is a baritone born in St. Petersburg and studied at the Academy for young vocalists at the Marinsky Theater. He graduated from Leipzig's Mendelssohn Bartoldi Music and Drama University. He played the leading role of "Don Giovanni" at the Bad Hertfeld Opera Music Festival in Germany while also studying at the Leipzig Gewandhaus' New Year's Concert.

Since autumn of 2013, he frequently visits Japan and performs in various places such as "Brahms/Requiem" soloist, opera, solo recital, joint recital, orchestra co-starring.
He moved to Japan in the spring of 2015, followed by his debut album "Wings of Song" (Florestan), and his Italy album "Parole d'amore" (Octavia) was released.
2015 "Don Carlo" Rodrigo Marquis, 2016 Starring opera "Don Giovanni" as the protagonist.
He got No.1 and Special Prize at Japan Tusty Competition Contest 2015, No.2 at 14th Tokyo Music Competition Vocal Music Section, No.1 and Best Song Award at 52th Japan Ico Vocal Music Concorso.

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