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GRAPEVINE(グレイプバイン)の徹底解説まとめ | RENOTE [リノート]

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GRAPEVINE (Grapevine) is a Japanese rock band was formed in 1993 that made a major debut with "Awakening" in 1997 after four years. By 2014, 26 single, 12 full albums and 3 mini albums were released. After withdrawing from members, in 2014, they moved to a new record company "SPEEDSTAR" and got a big turning point in band life.

Their own musicality is very modern and alternative, lyrics with social satire elements such as seeing the world diagonally, and rich and heavy rock sound. Music songs overwhelmed playful spirit, even after a long career of 20th anniversary of major debut, they continues to give great influence not only to music fans but also to professional musicians .

GRAPEVINE 邦楽バンド音楽情報 | キューブミュージック

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In 2012, the band decides to release the best album in commemoration of the 15th anniversary of major debut. Following that, fan votes of songs were held from July 16th to July 31st 2012. An album referring to the result was released on September 19th.

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