Prince of Tennis is a work that set up the manga titled "The Prince of Tennis" (so-called "Tennis Prix"), which was serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump". The official name is the musical "The Prince of Tennis". It is called "Tenimu".
After the 1st season and 2nd season, from November 2014, the 3rd season started with "Musical" The Prince of Tennis "3rd Season Aoi vs Fudo Peak".
It exceeded the cumulative mobilization number of 2.5 million people, and expanded to the national competition final game with a new production.
Prince of tennis was remade from the original musical manga existed before, the work whose conditions of "only male cast member", "stage of boys manga".
At the beginning, the rules is so complicated, as a result, at the beginning of the premiere, the awareness and interest of the original and animation fans were low, little advance tickets were sold, and on the first day only one-third of the seats were filled.
However, the number of customers increased gradually due to the suitable change, and until the standing guests appeared in Chiaki, it became a popular musical with repeated series performances in the form of following performances and original works.
Following the success of the Prince of Tennis, Shueisha has made serial musical work of Weekly Shonen Jump, and since other companies have followed it, it is now regarded as the origin of 2.5 dimensional musical .
From the premiere to the present, cumulative audience mobilization has recorded more than 1 million people, especially receiving enthusiastic support from young women. In 2014 the number of spectators exceeded 1.7 million.
Beginning in 2003 , and in 2010 the prince of musical tennis was completed with the performance of "The Final Match Rika Second Feat. The Rivals" and "Dream Live 7th" of the national competition final.
There is no schedule or ticket right now.
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日本、〒112-0004 東京都文京区後楽1丁目3−61 Map
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日本、〒985-0873 宮城県多賀城市中央2丁目27−1 Map
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