Meiji Kaito GAME ~ Fake ball ~

明治怪盗GAME ~偽りの舞踏会~
Amusement Experience games

Takarash / takarush BLACK LABEL

大人のための謎解きイベント「タカラッシュ!ブラックレーベル ...

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大人のための謎解きイベント「タカラッシュ!ブラックレーベル ...

This photo is not describe about event or place exactly. It might be some image supported to explain this event.

takarush BLACK LABEL is a " mystery solving event for adults " presented by " Takarashh! " which has been handling numerous treasure hunting events all over the country .

"Mystery solving event" is a hands- on event that you will become the leading role , clearing the given mission with your own power, or with your colleagues .
In a variety of situations such as famous hotels and art museums after closing, there are many cryptic "clues" that stir up the desire for knowledge in front of you.

When you realize the meaning indicated by those "clues", such as cryptography, mysterious maps, mysterious letters, and unravel one by one, eventually all mysteries will lead to one "answer" .

However, the mystery can not be solved so easily.
In most events, less than half are able to solve all the mysteries and finally reach the correct "answer" .

That is why, when you can clear it you will surely be filled with impressive impressions of anything .

Adults seriously think, trouble, cooperate, aim for the goal. That is "a mystery solving event for adults".
takarush BLACK LABEL will provide emotions of unusual time, space and discovery to adults who do not forget the exciting mind.

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