MOROHA Voluntary planning "Gingin at the moon gold! ~ Shinigami at work place to come back" Shimokitazawa ERA compilation

MOROHA 自主企画「月金でギンギン! ~職場の死神背負って来い~」下北沢ERA編
Music Popular music

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MORAHA is a Japanese Rap group formed by Afro and UK. They are known for their passionate rapping and acoustic guitar sound. UK is the singer and Afro is the guitar player. They formed in 2008.

Morohas music comes across as a stream of consciousness rap which swings from being contemplative to full on tempest. While the lyrics hit hard, the guitar is the offset, anchoring the song with beautiful fills while the lyrics are mostly rage. A knock on the artist is that there is little range in this musical arrangement but this didnt seem to be a concern for the crowd.

If anything, Moroha brings honesty and connection to an event that works desperately hard to achieve this, such is the nature of major festivals these days who are more interested in locking down big headliners who can play for 40,000 people. On an evening with music of every conceivable variety and style available, perhaps the biggest compliment one could pay this band is their uniqueness.

They began in 2008, swinging their fist of ice from the snow lands of Shinshuu Shinano.
In January 2012, won grand prize at the 5th cool SSWS Grand Champion Tournament.
On October 21st, 2010, released 1st album from ROSE RECORDS.
In July 2010, won the Derenno!? Samasoni!? Sokabe Keiichi Award.
In 2010, became runner-up of the 1st season SSWS Champion Tournament
In 2009, won the 2nd season YSWS Champion Tournament.

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mouse on the keys is a trio instrumental band. Based in Tokyo, the group consists of its former members, "Nine Days Wonder" (a leading band on the Japanese post-rock scene) Akira Kawasaki (drum, keyboards) and Atsushi Kiyota (piano, keyboards), along with Daisuke Niitome (piano, keyboards).

The unique sound of the band's drums, two pianos, and two keyboards combines the sense of urgency from rock, hard core and heavy metal with tastes of early/contemporary classical, jazz and various dance music.

At their concerts, the band projects a variety of images chosen to match their sound views of Tokyo, geometric symbols, 3D objects, and abstractions. Residents of Tokyo, the members of Mouse on the Keys represent the haunting restlessness of their home city at their live appearances. They would transform even a venue in Germany or France into a kind of virtual Tokyo.

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