LIFEGUARD DRIFTKINGDOM 2019 Round 1 Nikko Circuit

Sports Motor sports

Motor sports

日産、2011年度モータースポーツ活動計画を発表…SUPER GTが主戦場 | 車 ...

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トヨタ・モータースポーツ - Bing

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Motorsport or motorsports is a global term used to encompass the group of competitive events which primarily involve the use of motorised vehicles, whether for racing or non-racing competition. The terminology can also be used to describe forms of competition of two-wheeled motorised vehicles under the banner of motorcycle racing, and includes off-road racing such as motocross.
Four- (or more) wheeled motorsport competition is globally governed by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA); and the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) governs two-wheeled competition.

In 1894, a French newspaper organised a race from Paris to Rouen and back, starting city to city racing. In 1900, the Gordon Bennett Cup was established. Closed circuit racing arose as open road racing, on public roads, was banned. Brooklands was the first dedicated motor racing track in the United Kingdom.

モータースポーツライセンス更新は(四輪・カート)JAFマイページで ...

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Following World War I, European countries organised Grand Prix races over closed courses. In the United States, dirt track racing became popular.

After World War II, the Grand Prix circuit became more formally organised. In the United States, stock car racing and drag racing became firmly established.

Motorsports ultimately became divided by types of motor vehicles into racing events, and their appropriate organisations.

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