ENTH is a punk band in Nagoya, Japan. In 2018, three people, daipon (Vo & Ba) / Naoki (Gt & Cho) / takumi (Dr & Cho) are working with Waiwai Kashiya.
Even though it is based on melodic punk, it has a composition sense with which creates a hybrid mixture sound that can not be caught in the word of genre at all. Not only kids but also bandmans, artists and related people are widely recognized.
In April 2014 2nd Mini Album "Never Let Go" was released. At the end of the year, they collaborated with EVERLONG and Nagoya CLUB QUATTRO "JUNGLE TYPHOON". They held a 2 man live with great success.
In 2015 New Year's Day limited single "Before Sunrise" was released, 2000 sheets sold out immediately! In July 2015, their 3rd Mini Album "Entheogen" was released.
March 2016 2nd Single "SOMEWHERE WE HOPE" was released. On April 9, 2016 the first one-man live was held at RAD HALL.
At that time, their drummer withdrawed, Takumi joined and becomes current member. They also had many appearances in large festivals sponsored by first-line live bands such as YON FES, DEADPOP FESTIVAL, HAZIKETE MAZARE FESTIVAL, porn super express etc.
July 2017 1st Full Album "HENT" released. Liveshow "HENT" and a nationwide tour "DOHENTAI TOUR 2017" was held,
Final series was held at Fukuoka Queblick (w / BACK LIFT) / Shibuya CLUB QUATTRO (w / 04 Limited Sazabys) / Umeda CLUB QUATTRO (w / Good Morning America) / Nagoya Diamond Hall (w / HEY - SMITH).
In 2017 they appeared in large festivals such as VIVA LA ROCK, SATANIC CARNIVAL, OTOSATA ROCK FES, FREEDOM NAGOYA, Kyoto universe strategy, COUNTDOWN JAPAN.
In 2018, they participated in YON FES, VIVA LA ROCK, SUMMER CAMP, Million rock festival, SATANIC CARNIVAL, OTOSATA ROCK FES, FREEDOM NAGOYA, Kyoto universe strategy, JOIN ALIVE, ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL, MONSTER baSH and many appearances in big festival nationwide etc.
Back Lift is a Japanese band with the influences of different genres such as punk, rock, hip-hop, reggae, metal, mixture rock. They are a 3 piece melodic band formed in Nagoya in mid - July 2007 including Dr / Cho Tsuki 'HEAVIN' Futaku / Gt / Cho Fukaya 'YU-PON' / Yuki Vo / Ba Kobayashi 'KICHIKU' Sakuya.
As for the songwriting, all of KICHIKU strongly influenced by the musicality and expression of the 90's, such as Hi-STANDARD, HUSKING BEE, THUMB, BRAHMAN, BACK DROP BOMB, etc. While inheriting the attraction of the 90's, outstanding melodies, euphoria, emotionalism, and sometimes narratives are being put on a new genre called "BACK LIFT" to expose the emotions.
Until now, at the largest free rock festival FREEDOM held in Nagoya, they strived for big birds in front of 8,000 people, and entrance regulations were repeated in live house circuit. And on the tour "Heartful world" released on December 5, 2012, Tour Grand Final at Nagoya CLUB QUATTRO which was held after 44 tours sold out tickets for full celebrations.
And on 1st DVD & SINGLE "FULL OF OUR BIG DREAM" which was released on November 6, 2013, it packed the video of the previous tour's finals.
Furthermore, Back Clift also joint project "Nagoya - Middle Plan 2013" with Nagoya 's same - generation ally, 04 Limited Sazabys, THREE LIGHTS DOWN KINGS and made it sell out on the same day.
SHANK was formed in 2004, a three piece band from Nagasaki including Yuki Ikemoto (Dr / Cho) / Shohei Kuwahara (Vo / Ba) / Ryota Matsuzaki (Gt / Cho).
Currently, their activities based on Nagasaki. They have appeared in various festivals and events as well as their own tour, and have been developing live activities across the country. They already did the first overseas tour in 2014.
In 2015, they launched his own label "BAiTFiSH RECORDS" (Batefish Records) in Avex and transferred it.
Locally, in Nagasaki, they are always continuing energetic activities such as holding sponsorship event [BLAZE UP NAGA SASKI].
This year, their "BLAZE UP NAGASAKI 2018 in HUIS TEN BOSCH" was held with the cooperation of Nagasaki Huis Ten Bosch.
They announced the latest MINI ALBUM "WANDERSOUL" this fall. They also decided to hold a national tour along with it.
There is no schedule or ticket right now.
日本、〒460-0011 愛知県名古屋市中区大須4丁目1−71 矢場町中駒ビル B1F Map
日本、〒422-8005 静岡県静岡市駿河区池田146−1 Map
日本、〒930-0047 富山県富山市常盤町1−3 Map
日本、〒918-8013 福井県福井市花堂東1丁目18−6 CHOP Map
日本、〒790-0011 愛媛県松山市千舟町4丁目2−10 B1 Map
日本、〒892-0842 鹿児島県鹿児島市3 東千石町3-41 Map
日本、〒860-0803 熊本県熊本市中央区1 新市街1−36 Map
日本、〒870-0021 大分県大分市府内町3丁目3−3番18 府内弐番街ビル Map
日本、〒802-0002 福岡県北九州市小倉北区京町2丁目2−20 Map
日本、〒310-0021 茨城県水戸市南町3丁目3−28 Map
日本、〒150-0021 東京都渋谷区恵比寿西1丁目34−17 ZaHOUSE Map
日本、〒730-0033 広島県広島市中区堀川町4−20 4階 Map
日本、〒542-0086 大阪府大阪市中央区西心斎橋2−11−7 南炭屋町ビル Map
日本、〒708-0861 岡山県津山市八出1326 Map
日本、〒810-0041 福岡県福岡市中央区大名2−6−39 西澤ビルB1F Map
日本、〒500-8864 岐阜県岐阜市 柳ヶ瀬通7-4 柳ヶ瀬観光ビルB1F Map
日本、〒231-0023 神奈川県横浜市中区山下町168−1 レイトンハウス Map
日本、〒192-0084 東京都八王子市三崎町2−7 Map
日本、〒651-0095 兵庫県神戸市中央区琴ノ緒町2丁目1−253 Map
日本、〒060-0062 北海道札幌市中央区南2条西1丁目5−6 第一広和ビル2階 Map
日本、〒053-0027 北海道苫小牧市王子町1丁目6−6番12号 Map
日本、〒031-0001 青森県八戸市類家堤端84 デンデンビル Map
日本、〒020-0022 岩手県盛岡市大通1丁目11−12 ヒグチビル Map
日本、〒980-0811 宮城県仙台市青葉区一番町2丁目5−1 大一野村ビル B1F Map
日本、〒700-0901 岡山県岡山市北区本町10−16 Map
日本、〒683-0064 鳥取県米子市道笑町1丁目3 Map
日本、〒951-8065 新潟県新潟市中央区東堀通6番町1051−1 Map
日本、〒320-0808 栃木県宇都宮市宮園町5−33 東武宇都宮ビルB1 Map
日本、〒360-0037 埼玉県熊谷市筑波1丁目130 Map
日本、〒920-0967 石川県金沢市菊川1丁目21−12 Map
日本、〒400-0044 山梨県甲府市上小河原町1262 Map
日本、〒380-0826 長野県長野市南長野北石堂町1429−1 Map
日本、〒600-8006 京都府京都市下京区四条通柳馬場西入ミューズ389 Map
日本、〒515-2121 三重県松阪市市場庄町1148−2 M’AXA Map
日本、〒520-0047 滋賀県大津市浜大津2丁目3−11 パークサイドアーク21 Map
日本、〒780-0822 高知県高知市はりまや町1−5−1 デンテツターミナルビル Map
日本、〒370-0828 群馬県高崎市宮元町17 Map
日本、〒963-8002 福島県郡山市駅前2丁目7−15 CLUB♯9 Map
日本、〒010-0921 秋田県秋田市大町2丁目2−3 ホテルパールシティ秋田竿燈大通りB1F Map
日本、〒630-0257 奈良県生駒市元町1丁目11−12 Map
日本、〒745-0017 山口県周南市新町2丁目27−1 Map
日本、〒760-0054 香川県高松市常磐町1丁目8−1 Map
日本、〒440-0888 愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7−1 大木家ビル Map
日本、〒390-0815 長野県松本市深志1丁目2−8 NOVAビル Map
This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "ENTH", "Osaka", "Tokyo", "Kyoto", "SHANK", "Sapporo", "BACK LIFT", "Osaka Prefecture", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.
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