Meiji Yasuda J3 League: Braublitz Akita x Giravanz Kitakyushu

明治安田生命J3リーグ ブラウブリッツ秋田ホームゲーム 【第28節】ブラウブリッツ秋田×ヴァンラーレ八戸
Sports Soccer games

Fukushima United FC - Team

初の会津開催ファン熱く J3・福島U 大声援で盛り上げ | 福島 ...

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Fukushima United FC (福島ユナイテッドFC , Fukushima Yunaiteddo Efushī) is a Japanese football club from Fukushima City, the capital of Fukushima Prefecture. The club was founded in 2006, by the merger of FC Pelada Fukushima and Junkers. From the 2008 season, the club has adopted the new name as "Fukushima United FC". They played in the Japan Football League, the third tier of the Japanese football league system in 2013. Starting in 2014, they will be moving to the newly formed, J3 League.

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