Fukuoka (福岡市 , Fukuoka-shi) is the capital city of Fukuoka Prefecture and is situated on the northern shore of the island of Kyushu in Japan. It is the most populous city on the island, followed by Kitakyushu. It is the largest city and metropolitan area west of Keihanshin. The city was designated on April 1, 1972, by government ordinance. Greater Fukuoka (福岡都市圏 ) , with 2.5 million people (2005 census), is part of the heavily industrialized Fukuoka–Kitakyushu zone as well as Northern Kyushu.
As of 2015, Fukuoka is Japan’s fifth largest city, having passed the population of Kobe. As of July 2011, Fukuoka passed the population of Kyoto. Since the founding of Kyoto in 794, this marks the first time that a city west of the Kinki region has a larger population than Kyoto. In ancient times, however, the area near Fukuoka, the Chikushi region, was thought by some historians to have possibly been even more influential than the Yamato region.
Exchanges from the continent and the Northern Kyushu area date as far back as Old Stone Age. It has been thought that waves of immigrants arrived in Northern Kyushu from mainland Asia. Several Kofun exist.
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日本、〒310-0021 茨城県水戸市南町3丁目3−28 Map
日本、〒320-0808 栃木県宇都宮市宮園町5−33 東武宇都宮ビルB1 Map
日本、〒980-0811 宮城県仙台市青葉区一番町3丁目11−15 FORUS B2F Map
日本、〒600-8006 京都府京都市下京区四条通柳馬場西入ミューズ389 Map
日本、〒630-8001 奈良県奈良市法華寺町122−1 Map
日本、〒520-0832 滋賀県大津市粟津町11 11−12ユーストンビル 2F Map
日本、〒651-0095 兵庫県神戸市中央区琴ノ緒町2丁目1−253 Map
日本、〒760-0054 香川県高松市常磐町1丁目8−1 Map
日本、〒860-0846 熊本県熊本市中央区城東町5−13 Map
日本、〒810-0073 福岡県福岡市中央区舞鶴1丁目8−29 Map
日本、〒501-6001 岐阜県羽島郡岐南町上印食8丁目50 Map
日本、〒515-2121 三重県松阪市市場庄町1148−2 M’AXA Map
日本、〒700-0901 岡山県岡山市北区本町10−16 Map
日本、〒730-0035 広島県広島市中区本通10−1 Map
日本、〒400-0044 山梨県甲府市上小河原町1262 Map
日本、〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂5丁目3−2 Map
日本、〒370-0828 群馬県高崎市宮元町17 Map
日本、〒460-0007 愛知県名古屋市中区新栄2丁目1−9 雲竜フレックスビル西館 Map
日本、〒542-0086 大阪府大阪市中央区西心斎橋1丁目6−14 BIGSTEP 4F Map
日本、〒261-0023 千葉県千葉市美浜区中瀬2丁目1 Map