Sawase Rimisato is a Japanese saprano, born in Masuda city, Shimane prefecture. She graduated from the National Vocal Music University Vocal Music Department and won the Takeoka Prize. Appearance of the 75th Yomiuri Shinken Performance Concert.
She studied the songs of British composer R-Quilter and obtained doctor's degree (music). She studied vocal music with Miko Sato and Kazuko Nagai. In religious songs, Sawase Rimisato is a soloist for JS Bach "Matthew Passion", Cantata, Mozart "Requiem", Haydn "Creation of the Heaven", etc,. As a voice member of Japan (presided by Mr. Suzuki Masaaki), she participated in domestic and overseas concerts and recordings. In 2008, Sawase Rimisato played "Ida" . In the 47th and 48th Yamaguchi Prefectural Student Competition she won first prize and the second place in the 79th Japan Vocal Music Competition.
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