~ Presents of Noma Ballet ~ Enjoy Ballet in Fenice 堺 2020

~野間バレエ団プレゼンツ~ バレエを楽しもう in フェニーチェ堺2020
Stage/Dance/Comedy Ballet

Yukiko Arase

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Yukiko Arase is a ballet dancer.
2003 Awarded third prize at the Osaka prix ballet competition.
In 2003, won the 5th place in the Kobe National Western Dance Competition.
In 2004, won the third prize in the Kobe National Western Dance Competition.

She won the 3rd place in the 29th Kobe National Dance Competition in 2016.
Danced La Fille Mare Garde Leeds at the regular performance of Noma Ballet.

In addition, she appeared in the Grand Pas de Do of the Zenzano Flower Festival was instructed by Joelle Boulogne , a former Hamburg Ballet Principal, and received high acclaim.

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若手伸び盛りの荒瀬結記子と正富黎主演により、野間景改訂振付『ラ ...
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