Smell good smell dark early summer gig

いいにおいのするdark early summer gig
World pop music Hard rock

Smell good smell dark early summer gig is the music event held in Conpass, Osaka.
There are 3 special casts :
Sawhill Sacrifice (Finland)
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Interview: Vampillia | Arctic Drones

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Vampilliaというバンドが凄いという話 - 日々の音色とことば

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Vampillia is a Japanese rock band, formed in Kansai around 2005. It includes over 10 members: Tasmanian guitar, Noise guitar, Only soul Funky bass, Piano, Strings, Opera Velladon, Woodcut Love Mongoloid, twin drum Yoshida Tatsuya (Ruins) and Tornado Taro (NICE VIEW, TURTLE ISLAND). Although they did production for the first album by a lot of enthusiastic producers, it has not been completed.
In 2009, they released mini album "Spears" and held Australia tour in 2010. In 2011, they signed with US Important Records and released the album "Alchemic Heart" worldwide.
Vampillia becomes more and more well-known because of their diversity of genre including post-rock, post-black metal, noise, electronica.

5/13 「オモチレコードx VMO presents 超世紀末SP」@新宿LOFT 予告編

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Death, Gesu, three vocals by opera, twin violin, viola, piano, twin guitar, bass, DJ, drums Tatsuya Yoshida , Taro Tornado , Kazuhisa Chikada, and Toyoto Yoshikawa are also in a row. Current drummer 2013, RUINS of Tatsuya Yoshida , Turtle Island of tornado Taro is.

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Cohol is the black metal band in Kanagawa, Japan.

It was formed in 2000 and active up to now. It belongs to Osmose Productions.
COHOL has 3 members : Kenta Ogura (Drummer), Itaru Sayashi (Guitarist, Vocal), Hiromasa Saitou (Vocal, Bassist).

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They released 1st demo - "Quinte Essence" and 3-way split with Tiala & Gauge Means Nothing

They also appeared on Death Panic Rec.'s V.A. compilation "Extreme Generation" with Blind Hate, Butcher ABC, Break Your Fist, Crimson Tears, Disconformity, Exhaust, Gridlock, Liberated Stain, & Lost Eden. 2 CD, released 10/5/05.

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This article uses material from the Wikipedia article "Osaka", "Kyoto", "Vampillia", "Tatsuya Yoshida", "Osaka Prefecture", which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.
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