BiSH, also known as Brand-new idol SHiT (Shinsei Kuso Idol, 新生クソアイドル), is a Japanese idol group formed in 2015 by their manager Watanabe Junnosuke. The group was conceived as a successor to BiS, an idol group managed by Watanabe that disbanded in 2014.
BiSH released a music video for the song "BiSH: Hoshi ga Matataku Yoru ni" (BiSH -星が瞬く夜に-) in April, as the release of the album drew closer, BiSH began to release more of its songs as free downloads
On 14 August 2015, BiSH revealed the music video for their first single, the Celtic metal song "OTNK". On 2 October 2015 it was announced that BiSH would release a second album with the title "FAKE METAL JACKET".
The group released the hardcore punk song "DEADMAN" as their major-label debut single on 5 May, "DEADMAN" reached 5th position on the Oricon weekly singles chart, and shortly after its release, BiSH announced the release of their major-label debut album in October 2016.
On 4 November 2017, BiSH had a surprise release of their second major-label album "THE GUERiLLA BiSH" exclusively through Tower Records. The album was released at a price of 299 yen without any prior advertising, and the surprise edition is packaged without cover art or a lyrics booklet, a reference to Kanye West's sixth album Yeezus. The music video for the lead song "My landscape" was recorded in Los Angeles, as was the photography for the album cover.
There is no schedule or ticket right now.
日本、〒981-3133 宮城県仙台市泉区泉中央2丁目18−1 Map
日本、〒760-0030 香川県高松市玉藻町9−10 Map
日本、〒550-0013 大阪府大阪市西区新町1丁目14−15 Map
日本、〒060-0001 北海道札幌市中央区北1条西1丁目 Map
日本、〒154-0004 東京都世田谷区太子堂1丁目7−57 Map
日本、〒810-0001 福岡県福岡市中央区天神5丁目1−23 Map
日本、〒606-8342 京都府京都市左京区岡崎最勝寺町13 Map
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