Ancient Andean Civilization Exhibition

Museum Experience games

Ancient Andean Civilization Exhibition is Experience games Museum event held in Japan.

Ground paintings of golden, mummy, nazca, aerial city Machu Picchu!
The last mystery of the Andes in Kagoshima! An ancient Andean civilization in which various cultures have repeatedly risen and fallen over 5000 years in the South American Andes.
The last exhibition in Japan will be held in Kagoshima, introducing a wide variety of cultures such as Nazca's ground paintings, the Inca Empire with Machu Picchu, and the Golden City of Sikan.
All the exhibits you will never see, such as photogenic pottery, golden masks and precious mummies. Except for a part, it is OK to shoot! MBC TV 60th Anniversary Commemorative Ancient Andean Civilization Exhibition

古代アンデス文明展 | 新潟県立万代島美術館 | 展覧会・イベントの検索 ...

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Mysteries of the Andean returns to the Nagoya City Museum, Aichi.

CHRIS BOTTI IN BOSTON | Shape of My Heart Sting & J. Groban

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This photo is not describe about event or place exactly. It might be some image supported to explain this event.

Name of performance: Ancient Andean Civilization Exhibition
Venue: Kagoshima Prefectural Historical Data Center Sumiokan
Open: 2019/05/25 (Sat) 10:00
Performance date: July 26, 2019-Monday, September 16, 2019
* Closed: 7/29, 8/5, 8/19, 8/26, 9/2, 9/9
* Opened Time 9:00 to 18:00 (final entry 17:30)

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Open on 1st day at 10:00 Place: 892-0853 Shiroyamacho, Kagoshima City 7-2 Kagoshima Prefectural Historical Data Center Reimeikan 1st floor, 1st Special Exhibition Room
Preschoolers are free
Limited number of tickets: You can book up to 10 tickets in a single application. Application limit 4 times.
Type of seats and fees:
 Advance (general): ¥ 1,200
 Advance (high school and university students): ¥ 800
 Advance (small and middle school students): ¥ 500

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