Hokkaido whisky fes 2018

北海道 WHISKY FES 2018
Exhibition Traditional show


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A restaurant is a type of "food business company" as defined in Article 3 of the Food Sanitation Law .
The law, "the" food business operators " food or additives to collect, production , and imports to, processing , and cooking , and storage, transportation to, or selling it or instrument or to the container and packaging manufacture, imported, or people or engage in to sell corporate or school , hospital and other facilities refers to a continuously person or corporation to donate food to an unspecified or a large number of people in. "to be defined.

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In the "standard classification of Japanese industry " in "Major classification M-restaurant, accommodation business" "restaurant" means a place where food or other food or drink is eaten or drinked at the place immediately mainly by order . When a restaurant occupies a section such as a department store , amusement park, etc., it is included in this classification if it is an independent establishment.

In order to operate a restaurant, under the provisions of Article 52 of the Food Sanitation Law, you must obtain the prefectural governor 's permission (the window is the public health center ).

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