Migu, aka Yuko Araki, thus far has only been known to audiences in the U.S. as the drummer for Cornelius. Those who have seen Cornelius on tour have probably noticed Araki: though she's at the back of the stage hidden behind her drums, there's no escaping the fact that she completely kicks ass in every way and never seems to miss a beat, an essential element in the tightly-choreographed performances.
Her debut solo album starts off with a burst of frenzied drumming, but it's a misleading introduction. "Sakaiminato" is only a few seconds long, and the following song is a slow-moving piece of simple rhythms, delicate electronic sounds, and enervated, melancholic vocals.
Slow, overdriven drums push "Lazy" forward alongside a minimal, repeating guitar line. Araki's vocals are more chanted than sung: "play a video/rewind, and play / there goes another day..." The oddity that is "Spider" lays down a strong drumbeat that bounces from side to side in the stereo field, then drops in a repeated little guitar cluster and weird electronic noises. Meanwhile, Araki chants about her fear of the spider in her room.
Opening with a collection of little guitar pluckings and a humming synthesizer, "Train Run" is a collaboration with Cornelius that has an intensely rainy-day feel to it. The skeletal programmed beat and pristine digital clarity have Oyamada's fingerprints all over them. Araki's singsong vocal matches the mood, like someone sitting in the window on a rainy day watching the drops fall on the street.
Veering from goofy cartoon music ("jAZZ") to an almost beat-like reading over sparse cymbal hits and plucked bass strings ("What to do?" in which she laments "I lost my space / What to do?"), Araki naturally makes sure to place a steady beat behind it all. This allows the strange noises and awkward-yet-pleasing vocals to fall into place, which keeps these unusual songs cohesive despite what could have otherwise been dangerously chaotic tendencies.
"Drive strings 0" and "Drive strings 1" are pretty string quartet versions of "Drive," a nicely-constructed pop song that's undoubtedly the most straightforward track here. The guitar melody is simple and catchy; the string quartet versions adapt the melody to good effect.
After the brief "Sakaiminato 2," which echoes the little drum solo intro, the half-hour trip is over. Migu's fractured pop songs are eminently appealing and unique. While they might feel a bit lightweight at times, the depth provided by the studio trickery, weird electronic sounds, and most of all Araki's drumming keep it all together. The end result is well worthwhile.
There is no schedule or ticket right now.
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日本、〒260-0015 千葉県千葉市中央区富士見2丁目16−4 Map
13 4 2, 4 朝気 甲府市 山梨県 400-0862 日本 Map
日本、〒320-0035 栃木県宇都宮市伝馬町3−24 Map
日本、〒027-0083 岩手県宮古市大通2丁目6−11 Map
日本、〒022-0002 岩手県大船渡市大船渡町茶屋前3−2−2410 Map
日本、〒986-0824 宮城県石巻市立町1丁目1−2−17 Map
日本、〒023-0813 岩手県奥州市水沢区中町 122 Map
日本、〒790-0012 愛媛県松山市湊町4丁目10−8 Map
日本、〒780-0047 高知県高知市相模町17 17-21 Map
日本、〒770-0934 徳島県徳島市秋田町2丁目23 Map
日本、〒760-0054 香川県高松市常磐町1丁目8−1 Map
日本、〒460-0008 愛知県名古屋市中区栄3丁目29−1 名古屋 PARCO 東館 8・9F Map
日本、〒430-0928 静岡県浜松市中区板屋町100−10 Map
日本、〒515-2121 三重県松阪市市場庄町1148−2 M’AXA Map
日本、〒730-0037 広島県広島市中区中町8−18 クリスタルプラザ 19F Map
日本、〒683-0064 鳥取県米子市道笑町1丁目3 Map
日本、〒700-0836 岡山県岡山市北区中央町3−17 橋本興産第一ビル1階 Map
日本、〒745-0031 山口県周南市銀南街49 Map
日本、〒951-8065 新潟県新潟市中央区東堀通6番町1047 Map
日本、〒380-0826 長野県長野市南長野北石堂町1429−1 Map
日本、〒930-0047 富山県富山市常盤町1−3 Map
日本、〒920-0971 石川県金沢市鱗町107 Map
日本、〒910-0006 福井県福井市中央1丁目4−13 Map
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